

Exhibition view at Paradise Works, Salford.

Courtesy of The Second Act

Presented by The Second Act at Paradise Works Curated by Lillie Tew

featuring artists:

Florian Höulker & Sophie L. Knight

“ReCollection is the second part of a series of touring duo shows featuring the compelling works of Florian Höulker and Sophie Lourdes Knight. Navigating landscapes of memory and nostalgia through the emotional resonance of mundane objects and their groupings, the selected artists share a dynamic interplay between past and present while incubating the intricate process of recalling and reconstructing memories. Weaving narratives of addiction, loss, and the dualities inherent in everyday life, both artists offer individual perspectives through recollection, utilising vibrant colours as catalysts to evoke or savour poignant experiences.

Funded by Arts Council England, The Second Act pairs two artists—with a working-class or Northern artist represented within the pairing. The exhibition is initiated in The Second Act’s London gallery space, followed by a new iteration of the exhibition reworked by a guest curator and shown in a partner gallery in the North.

Touring exhibitions in this manner challenges London-centric models and the geographical limitations artists face whilst living or practising outside of the capital. Artists are given a platform to connect with varied audiences by seeing their work through two iterations of an exhibition—reimagined by two curators.”

Exhibition Launched on the 1st of August and runs till the 17th, 2024 at Paradise Works, Salford.

For the exhibition handout click here.