Pavement Gallery

Pavement Gallery

‘Text/Context’ (1978), Joseph Kosuth. Photograph: Lucie Armstrong

Pavement Gallery originally opened in 2009 and ran until 2013. After a hiatus, it returned with a new programme in 2020. The gallery is a 24/7 window space based on the corner of the Righton Building facing All Saints Park and Oxford Road. It delivers an ambitious exhibition programme of international contemporary art, alongside strands of other curatorial activity online and offline. Set in a former drapery store, the space - which cannot be entered by the public - provides a highly visible stage for the display of contemporary art.

- Pavement Gallery

Working as an Associate Curator Lillie contributed to the exhibition of prolific international artists within the gallery programme. Through her tenure the gallery showcased artworks by Melanie Smith, Joseph Kosuth, Igor Grubić, Harold Offeh, and Nike Savvas, whilst providing artist talks, and a creative publication, Pavement Quarterly, free to the public.

Click here to view Edition Two of Pavement Quarterly.